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Resisting The Holy Spirit

Writer's picture: Ray Reynolds, Ph.D.Ray Reynolds, Ph.D.

The Bible really has a lot to say about the Holy Spirit. I hope you’ve picked up on that in our blogs this year. Previously we’ve talked about the fruit of the Spirit and why there are no laws against it (Galatians 5:23). One specific thing the Scriptures warn about is attempting to test God. We should not test the Spirit, resist the Spirit, attempt to quench the Spirit or blaspheme the Holy Spirit.

Galatians 5:17 says, "For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish." Paul says we are selfish and we want what we want! Sounds about right, huh? However, often times what we want is NOT what the Spirit wants! There are several times in Paul's writings he gives us a look into this personal battle he faced basically asking: "Why is it I do what I know I shouldn't do." Here is the answer: Because of the flesh vs. the Spirit battle.

Read the latter part of Ephesians 6 and you can understand how to be equipped for the battle against the flesh. Satan is on the attack! And, we must resist him, not the spirit! We have to learn to see how Satan works and take up the whole armor of God! But, DO NOT resist the Spirit! He is our guide, our aid, and our comforter! In 20-30 years from now I think our brotherhood will look back and say that one of our biggest mistakes was resisting the work of the Holy Spirit. We will look back in frustration (I hope) and see the false teachings of Tritheism that tore us apart.

Remember why they stoned Stephen to death in Acts 7? They resisted the teaching of the truth. Because of their resistance he said, “You stiff-necked people! Your hearts and ears are still uncircumcised. You are just like your ancestors: You always resist the Holy Spirit!” (Acts 7:51) This wasn’t isolated to these people. Have you read Revelation? The message Jesus spoke to each of the seven churches in Asia was different, but the conclusion of each message was the same: "He who has an ear to hear let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches" (Revelation 2-3). They too resisted the Holy Spirit! Today we can resist the Holy Spirit by rejecting what He has revealed, by ignoring His guidance, by forgetting His teaching, and by being disobedient to His instructions. Why would we do that?

The gates of Hell will not prevail against Christ's church! Why would we ignore that power and that promise? God will not be a stumbling block to His own children! If anyone hinders the growth of His kingdom, its Christians who resist the Spirit. We need to talk about Him, study about Him, and be led by Him. We must not let this fellowship become our fellowship! It's Christ's church! And, Christ's church worships in the Spirit and fellowships in the Spirit and is led by the Spirit! He is the glue that keeps us together! Don’t resist Him! Have a great week!

You are loved.

Dr. Ray Reynolds

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