The first book of Psalms is mostly written by David. Psalms 1, 2, 10 and 33 are anonymous but are usually attributed to David. However, as previously mentioned Acts 4:25 attributes Psalm 2 to David. There is some evidence that Psalm 10 could have been split off from Psalm 9 (a psalm of David). Also, the Septuagint attributes Psalm 33 to David. This leaves only the introductory Psalm 1 without solid confirmation or dedication. Therefore, most scholars believe that this is probably an exclusive, but not exhaustive, collection of Davidic psalms. Ezra may have compiled these psalms with the intended purpose of keeping this first book entirely comprised of Davidic psalms. We can trust his scholarship and the work of the Holy Spirit (II Peter 1:20-21).
Psalms: Book One relates to the book of Genesis. The general theme is about man and His relationship to God (Psalm 1, related to Genesis 1-2), then follows with man’s fall and rebellion (Psalms 2-15, related to Genesis 3-11), and ends with hope of redemption through Christ (Psalms 16-41, related to Genesis 12-50). These 41 psalms focus on God’s ability to deliver those who fear Him as the Creator. They reflect much of David’s life and his understanding of the glory of God. This book uses the divine name Yahweh (273), more than Elohim (15).
Every kind of emotion is revealed in these Psalms. As we read these psalms we witness David pouring out his heart to God, begging God for protection, and asking Him for help against his enemies. They have a personal appeal to the reader and help us to put ourselves in his shoes. No doubt God allows these psalms to be preserved in our Bible to help us feel a one-on-one interaction with God.
Psalm 1 sets the scene for the rest of the book. The man blessed by God is the one who is obedient to His word, while the sinner rejects it and receives His judgment. From the perfection of those who are blessed by God we are led to the Salvation of the Lord. Along the way we see the consequences of sin and the need for redemption.
We see the depravity of man despite the great love of God toward the sinner. This causes David to ask, “What is man” that God should pay any attention to him (Psalm 8)? In Psalm 9 he speaks of the Lord as the God who has the power to deliver from the enemy. In Psalm 10 David knows that God hears and answers prayer which is a sign of His deliverance.
Toward the middle of the book, we can see David speaking to God as the Great Shepherd who watches faithfully over His flock (Psalm 23). David praises God as the King of Glory (Psalm 24). Psalm 36 reveals that God hates sin but loves those who trust in Him. However, the closing thought of the section is almost identical in thought to the first psalm as it speaks of the blessed person (Psalm 41). The doxology reads, “Blessed be the LORD God of Israel from everlasting to everlasting.” Don’t miss the double “Amen” at the end! Have a great week!
You are loved.
Ray Reynolds, PhD
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