I Corinthians 6:13-20 reveals that there are a host of opportunities for us to pollute the mind and pervert the use of the body. Paul encourages us to stop and think about the Holy Sprit. Guess which New Testament book mentions the Holy Spirit the most? The book of Acts! Almost half of the times he is mentioned (42 of 93 verses) it is in Acts. I mention that because Acts is the book that says so much about the church of Christ. We are exposed to the conversions that flowed from a preaching of the gospel, which should alert us to the way, the Holy Spirit chooses to function in His dealings with man. He works through objective consideration of truth and not an emotional impulse. The primary reason why the Holy Spirit connects to our conscience is because He is accessing our emotions which can be guided by His own heart. Have you ever considered the Holy Spirit’s feelings?
The heart of the Holy Spirit can show anger (II Corinthians 13:14, 1 Thessalonians 5:19, Hebrews 10:31, 12:29). God’s anger is mentioned in the Old Testament 39 times, which is an average of once a book. In Joshua, repeatedly, the anger of Jehovah was hot. At first glance on this topic it isn’t unusual to think about Sodom & Gomorrah, Nadab & Abihu, Achan, Uzzah, and a host of other stories and characters. However, most of the time we find these words we are in the book of Numbers. Where we note two rather obscure examples: Miriam (Numbers 12:9-15) when it is compared to a father spitting into the face of his daughter, and Israel and Baal-peor (Numbers 25:1-11) when discussing execution.
The heart of the Holy Spirit can show grief (II Corinthians 7:10). He can feel sorrow and pain. In Ephesians 4:30 we see that He can be sad (Mark 10:22, John 21:17). God’s sorrow is not an emotion we frequently attribute to God. We can understand the anger. We can understand the longing of God’s Spirit for love. But sorrow? In the heart of the One who controls every thing? Yes. Why? Because He doesn’t control your heart. Your free will is what causes Him to grieve. This happened in Noah’s day (Genesis 6:5-6). The Spirit of God literally “groaned” and grieved. This is also seen when Israel was in wilderness for forty years (Psalms 78:40, 95:10). Every murmur over hunger, manna, quail, water, etc. grieved the Holy Spirit of God.
The heart of the Holy Spirit can show love. In Romans 15:30 we can See the Godhead. We reflect on the Father’s love. Who questions Jesus’ love? But, here, it is the Spirit’s love! God’s love is the greatest: giver, feeling, scope of attention, gesture, gift, command, threat, possibility and promise (John 3:16). God’s special feelings are implied in the descriptions of David (Acts 13:22). In spite of all his mistakes, God knew his heart and His heart was touched. What about Abraham? Isaac? Jacob? They often strayed from the course meant to provide a blessing to all of God’s people. Both Hebrews and James reveal how this frustrated God but condemnation was thwarted because of the love of His Spirit.
Next week we will continue this discussion about the heart of the Holy Spirit. We still have so much to discover. Have a great week!
You are loved.
Dr. Ray Reynolds
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