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The Holy Spirit IS God

Writer's picture: Ray Reynolds, Ph.D.Ray Reynolds, Ph.D.

ecent discussions with religious people have led me to believe that some strange doctrines concerning the Holy Spirit of God are out there. Some people believe that the Holy Spirit was a created thing. The Bible clearly reveals the Holy Spirit was NOT created by the Father or the Son, but has always existed and is eternal (Hebrews 9:14, Genesis 1:1-2).

The Holy Spirit is clearly a person. Therefore, the Spirit isn't a "force" and it is correct to refer the Spirit as "He" as opposed to "it," as Jesus does (John 14:26) and also Paul (Romans 8:16, 26). The Holy Spirit is also said to move (Genesis 1:1-2), grieve (Isaiah 63:10), speak (Acts 8:29), and love (Romans 15:30).

According to the Bible, the Holy Spirit ministers to His people in several ways. He leads (Matthew 4:1), He teaches (Luke 12:12), He gives life (John 6:63), He intercedes in prayer (Romans 8:26), and motivates God’s people (II Peter 2:21). We can follow God’s Holy Spirit or deny Him. He can be spoken against (Matthew 12:32), lied to (Acts 5:3), and resisted (Acts 7:51), though each of those ended with disastrous consequences for those attempts.

The Holy Spirit has several names in the Bible including “the Spirit of Truth” (John 14:17, 16:13), “the Comforter” (John 14:26), “the Spirit of promise” (Acts 1:4-5), “the Spirit of holiness” (Romans 1:4), “the Spirit of life” (Romans 8:2), “the Spirit of God” (Romans 8:9), “the Spirit of Christ” (Romans 8:9), “the Spirit of adoption” (Romans 8:15), “the Spirit of God” (I Corinthians 3:16), “the Spirit of faith” (II Corinthians 4:13), “the Spirit of wisdom and revelation” (Ephesians 1:17), “the eternal Spirit” (Hebrews 9:14), “the Spirit of grace” (Hebrews 10:29), and “the Spirit of glory” (I Peter 4:14). However, none are more fitting than the phrase “Holy Spirit.

In the New Testament alone there are 261 passages which refer to the Holy Spirit. He is mentioned 56 times in the Gospels, 57 times in the book of Acts, 112 times in the Pauline epistles, and 36 times in the remaining New Testament. Based on those facts, do you think He plays an important role in the New Testament church?

Don’t be afraid of the Holy Spirit! The Holy Spirit is sometimes referred to as the Holy Ghost in older English translation of the Bible (i.e. KJV of 1611). When you consider common language, in the 21st century, the term “ghost” sounds like a spook or a mysterious apparition. The term “spirit” has a much more appealing sound to it, in my opinion. Based on what the Holy Spirit does today, it is clear that He is not out scaring the locals in haunted houses! He is working in His people to do great things!

The devil would love us to accept words, phrases, terms, silly teachings, and false doctrines about the Holy Spirit. Don’t give in to those concepts of our Holy God! Have a great week!

You are loved.

Dr. Ray Reynolds

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Thank you so much for the comments! It is true that there is no distinction between male and female with Spiritual entities. Some people assume that angels are male because some of them have male names. However, when it is in reference to the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit, most of those references are masculine. Some people argues that there are gender neutral terms used in reference to the Holy Spirit, but I’m going to disagree with that. I will get into that at length at some point in the blogs. Thank you for the push! I will include that in an upcoming blog, and give you credit :-)


Doug McCown
Doug McCown
Apr 28, 2023

Ray - Thanks for these. Good reads. I'm scheduled to teach on this subject in a bible class starting in mid-May (co-teaching, the other guy has the Angel section). I will definitely recommend your blog as a "extra-curricular" endeavor for the interested student.

I have one question that I have been grappling with that you discussed in this particular article. In light of Matthew 22:23-33, does male and female really apply to the Spiritual world other than helping to give us understanding of the position / authority as understood by human-kind? The "it" pronoun in English is gender neutral. If I see a cat and I don't know if "it" is male or female, I use the term pronoun "it…

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